Check out pdabuzz for some interesting forums on the Helio
Also, Roger Lacroix has a large Helio software archive at: Capitalware
Applications and Games Utilities
Cygwin based SDK
Source Code
Games and Applications
Helio SmallBASIC 0.8.1b - Write And Run BASIC Programs On Your Helio SmallBASIC Home Site @ SourceForge
HelioDragon - v1.1 - Play Mah Jongg Solitaire with custom Tile Sets
TextView - v1.6 - E-Reader using Palm Font files, now with PalmDOC Support
Helio DB Utility 0.06 - Sorts files for easier selection
Grayscal - v1.6a - Grayscale Photo Viewer, now with zoom and next/last image and delete
HelioHugo - v1.0 - Plays Hugo (*.hex) Interactive Fiction
HelioTADS - v1.0 - Plays TADS (*.gam) Interactive Fiction
Y-Modem - v1.5 - Transfer files to/from Helio using Y-Modem (now works w/B313)
HelioFrotz - v1.5b - Plays Z-Code (Infocom) Games
MakeZHDB GUI - Convert Text, Image, etc. files into ZHDBs with a GUI interface 
MakeZHDB - Source to convert PC files into GZ HDBs
ZHDB2File - Convert ZHDBs back to normal PC files
DB Utility (not written by me!) for deleting unwanted files from your Helio
James Osborn's RCOMPILE executable, allows long file names and generates RESOURCE.H automatically
CYGWIN Based Helio SDK
Please check the README before downloading to see if this is of use to you!
Also, please make sure your CygWin installation was done using the UNIX end-of-line selection
CYGWIN Compatible Helio Development System README
CYGWIN Compatible Helio Development System (BIG, 15MB!)
CYGWIN Compatible VTOS-B313 Source w/Makefile(BIG, 5MB!) ALSO GET AND INSTALL PATCH BELOW!!!
Patch file for B313 compile to use James Osborn's utilities and update system makefile
Patch file to add GDB 5.1 support to SDK. Apply after above patches
Patch file to add DDD (graphical debugger) support to SDK. NEEDS XFREE86! Apply after above patches
B313 Patch Installation Notes:
1) cd /; zcat b313.tgz | tar xvf -
2) rm -rf /vtossdk/compiler/rcbin
3) cd /; zcat patch_b313.tgz | tar xvf -
Source Code To Above Applications
MakeZHDB GUI - Convert PC files into ZHDBs with a GUI interface
Helio SmallBASIC 0.8.1b - Source
HelioDragon - v1.1 - Source
TextView - v1.6 - Source
Helio DB Utility - v0.06 - Source
Grayscal - v1.6a - Source
HelioHugo - v1.0 - Source Code
HelioTADS - v1.0 - Source Code
HelioFrotz - v1.5b - Source Code
Y-Modem - v1.5 - Source
STDLIB - V1.5 - Source (needed to compile above apps)